
Ideas and Suggestions

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

Need some ideas?


Why not make a request to bring back a session from MediaCampBucks07 by popular demand.

Or see what kind of sessions were run last year for inspiration.


I think it would be a great idea to have one session room for re runs!

May not fill a room this camp but next camp there will be 07 and May 08 to pick from.

So many people told me that they wished they had come last year or were torn between different sessions to go to.

Here's your chance. Session speaker willing of course!


(ReRun) Re-run request
(Idea) Idea or Suggestion

Tell us in this collumn
- ReRun or Idea

Give the title of the Re Run you are interested in (see list below)
A bit about what you'd like to learn.



Here is a list of sessions from last year.

MediaCampBucks 07 SESSIONS


Chris Hambly

- Introduction to SecondLife - Live demo



Mike O'Hara 

- Local, independent, live music casting - how to support your local music scene by hosting live events & podcasting/videocasting them



Patricia Mata-(Tish)

- Supporting the use of blogging / podcasting for small business and third sector ( volentary and charity ) organisations



EaonPritchard -

Interactive advertising, TV 2.0



Neil Ford

- An introduction to blogging platforms and tools, Blogging with Wordpress



Vic Davies

- Whose Space Is It ? Discussion on commercial communications on different types of digital platform, what do we find acceptable, what is not



Jack Thorogood

- Engaging Brand Advertising with TV 2.0



Jason Jarrett

- Why the first ten seconds of your podcast is so important



Patricia Mata

- (Tish) - Speaking and listening to the web vistior -Interactive features in websites



Beth Ritter-Guth

- facilitated by Chris Hambly - Bliki Rulez - Using Bliki (Blog/Wiki) technologies to replace traditional textbooks



Lester Barnes 

- Music to Picture and making sound work for your prodject/design/blog.



Caron-Jane (CJ) Lyon

- Discussion "Voyage of discovery". What social media services do you use and why. Share your tips and trick, irritations and triumphs.



Sam Ismail

- Job Hunting for Grads 2.0



Neil Ford

- Podcasting on Mac OS X with Ubercaster and Garageband



Caron (CJ) Lyon

- Discussion group about the future of the web, personal identity and data protection.



ulia Gaimster Andy Savery

- The Art of Being Virtual Using virtual worlds in art and design education- discussion and visit to LCF and LCC Islands in Second Life



Pete Cooper

- Steal My Workflow what's involved with a daily music podcast, from sourcing to pinging and everything in between



Asha Treacy

- Discussion group about why Social Media is being talked about so much. Why companies/HR are engaging networks and why are they not??


More Ideas and Suggestions - What would you like to hear?



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