Lodging and Hotel
We need High-Wycombe residents to help with this - what's the inside scoop?
Remember, to reduce costs, we recommend sharing a room. When two or three people share it, it is much more reasonable, and chances are you won't use your room for much more than sleeping anyway.
Nearby Hotels
For bed and breakfast, Squirrel House may well prove to be very convenient. This AA 4-star Guest Accommodation can be found in New Road, Booker.
The Ambassador Court Hotel is situated conveniently close to High Wycombe Town Centre and not far from Junction 4 of the M4. There are 18 modern bedrooms equipped with satellite TV.
The Abbey Lodge Hotel is a comfortable, well-appointed and recently refurbished town hotel in High Wycombe, with attractive rooms and ensuite facilities.
The Holiday Inn High Wycombe is another option you may want to consider. With its easy access to the M4, a short taxi ride from the MediaCamp venue and high-speed broadband connections (not free access) plus its weekend Exclusive 2 nights for the price of 1 offer.
- Standard double room costs £50 for the 2 nights (£25 a night.)
- Executive double room costs £80 for the 2 nights (£40 a night)
This offer is not availible on the web site for the High Wycombe hotel. Use this number 0870 400 7203 and ask for the Exclusive 2 for 1 deal specifying the hotel.
Where are you staying for the Friday and/or Saturday?
List your info here so people can stay in the same location as you, and "stick together".
- Chris Hambly - I live close by, though on the Friday late afternoon / early evening I will be the Glasshouse in town for a mini-social with any of you interested from about 5pm.
- Caron-Jane (CJ) Lyon - I am booked in to the Holiday Inn for the Friday and the Saturday night. Will be joining Chris in the Glasshouse.
- Jo Jordan - I hope to get down to High Wycombe on Friday night and get to the Glasshouse. Thinking of staying at the Great Western as I couldn't get a deal at Holiday Inn.
Have a Room, Need a Roommate
Need a Room, Can Be a Roommate
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